Hello 2018, a very late one at that!
I haven't written on my blog in forever and it's something that I have missed doing. I mainly post on Instagram and Twitter since it's so easy. After a while writing on my blog felt redundant and more work at times to keep it updated. In the last year I've honestly overwhelmed between all the social media platforms, so I took a step back and wanted to consolidate things.
I decided to move my online shop from Tictail to Squarespace. Tictail was a great first shop for me and I still like their platform, but recently they've been changing to offer more features for a subscription service. I already pay for web hosting with Squarespace, so moving my shop made sense.
The other reason for moving was to make things more convenient for my audience and anyone new viewing in my work. I often got a few questions and general confusion on where to get my work. Hopefully now it's a more convenient and pleasant experience for everyone. Well that's all I have for now! I'm very excited to continue adding to this website as I create new art.
Be sure to check out my new shop!